Hands up if you own a heap of pretty notebooks (if you don’t have your hand up you need to read the last part of this post for sure!). I love notebooks (obviously) and always have more than one on the go.

Your notebook is such a versatile tool that can be used for a variety of purposes, whether you prefer one with plain pages, or maybe a Bullet Journal-inspired dotted notebook, there are so many things you can do with them, from more practical uses to creating memories that can be passed on forever, so if you are struggling to know how best to use your stack of beautiful books, I am here to help you come up with some great ideas! Let’s dive in:

  1. Journaling – Keeping a journal is a great way to reflect on your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. It can help bring down levels of anxiety, reduce stress, and improve productivity too. Use your notebook to write down daily musings, big life events or anything else you want to remember.

  2. Brainstorming (one of my favourites) – Use your notebook to capture ideas and brainstorm solutions to problems. Write down everything that comes to mind, no matter how silly or unconventional it may seem. I love brainstorming in my notebook, especially when I am deep into a creative block. For me, it is a space for me to note down even the most ridiculous ideas which, sometimes, just end up being the ones that work!

  3. Sketching – If you're an artist or simply enjoy drawing, why not use your notebook as a sketchpad? It's a great way to experiment with new ideas and techniques. Try to be completely free and try not self-conscious as you sketch; the only true way to develop your artistic skills is to practice and draw lots of different things around you. Keep your notebook in your bag and pull it out when you are in a café. Draw people, their dogs, cups of coffee, or anything to keep you scribbling!

  4. Planning, organising, and goal setting – Use your notebook to keep track of your schedule, appointments, to-do lists, and other important information. It's a handy tool for staying on top of your tasks and goals. I love to write a ‘Master List’ in my notebook and then, each day, I will highlight the top two or three most important tasks to deal with. Knowing I have a notebook that contains all my plans, no matter how rough, keeps me sane.

  5. Gratitude journal – Keep a notebook next to your bed to write down things you're grateful for each day. It's a great way to focus on the positive and cultivate a happy life (and apparently helps you manifest all the good stuff in your life too!).

  6. Recipe book – If you're a fan of cooking why not use a notebook to keep track of your favourite recipes? Write down meals you've tried and enjoyed, or experiment with new ingredients and techniques. I keep a notebook in the kitchen for exactly this reason. It is bulging with pages I have torn out of magazines and tucked inside, but also has cute recipes for Christmas treats that my mum cooked me when I was small. They are great to pass along to younger family members too.

  7. Travel diary – Use your notebook to document your travels. Write down memorable moments, experiences, and observations and stick in tickets, postcards, and other things you have picked up on your travels. It's a great way to remember and share your adventures with others. If you want to make it a more creative project then why not print off tiny maps, add doodles, and make it something pretty to look back on too, you could even add in photos you have on your phone!

  8. Creative writing – Use your notebook to write poetry, short stories, or anything else that inspires you. It's a great way to tap into your creativity and unleash your imagination.

  9. Reflection and self-discovery – Use your notebook to reflect on your thoughts and feelings. Write down anything that's on your mind, and use your notebook as a tool for self-discovery and personal growth. I guess this is a similar thing to journaling, but with more intention behind it to uncover things that inspire deeper growth. There are so many resources online that offer prompts to help heal emotional issues or work through personal difficulties. I would recommend searching on Pinterest for lists of ideas/prompts that you could try.

  10. Reading journal - Keep a notebook to jot down quotes and passages from the book you are reading, or anything that inspires you about the story. I love keeping notes as I’m reading and often find sticky notes in older books (which could be far better kept in a journal).

I hope this list has inspired you to use your notebooks in new and creative ways. The power of pen and paper should never be underestimated!

Notebooks are my ‘Product of the Month’ for February and, to celebrate, I am offering you 10% off any notebook/s until the end of the month! All you need to do is use the code LOVENOTE at the checkout. Feel free to pass it on to a stationery-loving pal too! Enjoy!